Top 10k strings from Morse Tutor (1984)(G4OIK - G4OIL).tap in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Utilities & Educational - [TAP] (TOSEC-v2007-01-01) /

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   4 ;"Press any key to return to menu"
   4 ;"MORSE TUTOR":
   2 MORSE     
   2 ;"You will need pen and paper."
   2 ;"Press key 4 to return to menu."
   2 ;"Press key 3 to change the speed.";
   2 ;"Press key 2 to change message.";
   2 ;"Press key 1 to repeat.";
   2 ;"Press any key to continue."
   2 ;"Press ^ to return to menu."
   2 ;"Please wait a moment.":
   2 ;"Key 5 for 14 wpm","Key 6 for 16 wpm","Key 7 for 18 wpm","Key 8 for 20 wpm",
   2 ;"Key 2 for 2 groups Etc.";
   2 ;"Key 1 to repeat, Key 2 to changethe number of groups or Key 3 toreturn to Menu."
   2 ;"Key 1 for 1 group";
   2 ;"Key 1 for  6 wpm","Key 2 for  8 wpm","Key 3 for 10 wpm","Key 4 for 12 wpm",
   2 ;"Key 0 for 10 groups."
   2 ;"GET READY":
   2 ;"G4OIK.G4OIL.":
   2 ;"Full stop          (.) .-.-.-   Comma              (,) --..--   Colon              (:) ---...   Question mark      (?) ..--..   Apostrophe         (') .----.   Hyphen or dash     (-) -....-   Fraction bar       (/) -..-.    Double hyphen      (=) -...-    Error                  ........ Quotation mark     ("""") .-..-."
   2 ;"A .-    B -...  C -.-.  D -..   E .     F ..-.  G --.   H ....  I ..    J .---  K -.-   L .-..  M --    N -.    O ---   P .--.  Q --.-  R .-.   S ...   T -     U ..-   V ...-  W .--   X -..-  Y -.--  Z --..  " 
   2 ;"1 .---- 2 ..--- 3 ...-- 4 ....- 5 ..... 6 -.... 7 --... 8 ---.. 9 ----. 0 -----"
   2 ;"********************************":
   2 ;" 9  Type in a message and I'll      send it back at your speed. "
   2 ;" 8  I'll send random numbers at     12 wpm for about 1.5 minutes"
   2 ;" 7  I'll send random letters at     12 wpm for approx. 3 minutes"
   2 ;" 6  I'll send random numbers at     12 wpm, but you choose the      spacing.                    "
   2 ;" 4  I'll show the code for           punctuation.               ";" 5  I'll send random letters at     12 wpm, but you choose the      spacing.                    "
   2 ;" 3  I'll list the morse code.   "
   2 ;" 2  I'll send random numbers.   ";
   2 ;" 1 - spaces equal to  6 wpm      2 - spaces equal to  8 wpm      3 - spaces equal to 10 wpm     "
   2 ;" 1  I'll send random letters.   ";
   2 ;" 0  I'll send the key you press."
   2 ;"                                ":
   2 "What speed shall I send at?"
   2 "Type in the message (including  numbers and punctuation) you    want me to send, and enter it.";M
   2 "Press the number of the         Programme you require;"
   2 "Press the letter, number or     punctuation sign you want."
   2 "Press the key for the spacing   you require."
   2 "O.K. I'll send you ";Q;" numbers at ";p;" wpm":
   2 "O.K. I'll send you ";Q;" letters at ";p;" wpm":
   2 "O"+(c-v)+x)
   2 "How many groups of five         characters shall I send you?";
   2  J.E.PRICE.G4OIK.G4OIL. 1983":